Friday, October 31, 2003

What a day... Anyway, Happy Halloween! (Most embaressing thing in my life.)

Started out my day from returning from work in the morning, and a wonderful breakfast from my lovely stead. Then of course the pot with the burnt bottom goes to me as well. *LOL*

Then moved off to meet my bro KingKong to queue up for the S.H.E thingy. Brought along my album and my poster. When we got there around 11 plus, it was already quite packed. Got my bags checked and we seated ourselves on the right of the stage. It was already about half full and the left side was not open yet.

The sun was directly above us around 1130, instant red skin in minutes. We began to regret not bringing stuff to block out the sun. My legs were starting to sting underneath my 3 quarts, my bag overheating. But our saviour came... The girl beside us (Ah Noi) offered to help us look after our seats. We left shortly to seek shelter.

After a few trips taking turns to go in and out with the gal, and shouting at people trying to take our seats, the drama started when it started to drizzle around 6 in the evening. Everyone stood up and rushed towards the stage for shelter, of course things turned ugly. Everyone squeezed for their dear lives and you could hear people screaming. But the rain didn't come yet, we carried on to stand till 7 when the S.H.E and the real rain came.

I almost drowned into the whole sea of humans as everyone were sqeezing the tiny me. I got stuck... suffocated... and of course vomitted in an outburst. Was so pathetic... Everyone else were only interested in getting to see S.H.E. I soiled my bag and my poster... Was so sad.

People were screaming at those whose umbrella were blocking views. One of them ignored the shouts and his umbrella got totally annihilated. *LOL*

Soon, I was being carried by the "tide" to somewhere near stage left, but got seperated from me bro. Anyway, after plenty of "aroma eau perspiration" and smelly hair in my face... I was carried over to where the queue for the chopping ceremony.

I tidied up my hair, walked up the stage, put my album on the table, and did the most humuliating thing of me life. walked in front of Hebe... and I... took a deep breath and... in a loud and almost hysteric voice said to Hebe.

Hebe... ni zhen de hen piao liang.

She stared at me, dropped her jaw and pretended she didn't see me. OMG!!! I flopped. Wish I had a hole to hide in. Twas a living nightmare. Haiz...

This shall be my first and last time queuing for something like this. It was a horrifying experience. Was fun in a way though. I get all fluffly when I think of the moment I did that stupid thing.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

And the story continues...

Grandia II.... Still going on...

The game is staring to feel a little draggy... According to the game records, I've been at it for 49 hours plus already... How scary. But the ending is finally near.

The day of destruction is finally here. Valmar got revived, and you can see in the screenshot this animal that the bible described you will see on the day of armeggadon.... something like that anyway. Millenia died, giving her life to save Ryudo, Elena, Tio and Mareg.

Then Maerag died protecting them off Valmar's moon. Roan rejoined the team.

Finally had my players' magic maxed up at the bonus stage in Raul hills. Went to the ruins to get me bonus items. Finally... Destination Birthplace of the Gods.

It's really a good game, but has down sides like long and draggy cutscenes without skip options, Same old boring and draggy scenes for every special and magic moves you pull off. I got so tired I used a "Get Wild" AL.

Overall, the game is a thumbs up. :P

S.H.E tomorrow!!! Yeah.... Me love to see Hebe...

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Sad... I'm a has been... History... Ka Pooh...

Think I'm a has been...

Was browsing through some blogs of people I used to hang out with.

Now they have their own lives and all...


Monday, October 27, 2003

Spirited away...

Okay... So I'm a little outdated...

Maybe alot...

Anyway... It's a really nice movie...

A whole day of grievences... What can be better??? Haiz...

I had a a big share of bad luck given out yesterday. First of all, I had to work really hard with a non-stop flow of multitudes infront of me. Having help wasn't good enough. The crowd was still streaming in. I watched as people go by me, smiling to themselves... Thinking they got away without being detected. I didn't have the heart to burst their dreams.

I had a small turn around when a familiar visitor came along. Had a small change of heart, but wasn't long enough.

Exchanged duties with my partner after roughing it for 2 hours. 10 minutes later, he got relieved from his duties, my heart was screaming, "No!" It was so unfair. I did get relieved eventually, but when the crowd was almost gone...

When I found out that my next point was another hell... I almost fainted.

Another few hours of busy traffic, then home.

I was so tired, that I fell asleep almost immediately. Then I kenna nagging... Think my life is jinxed...

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Happy Deepavali

Went out to celebrate obaqueh belated bday... Didn't feel right to let her foot the bill... But the drama we had at the cashier was simply hilarious. Think we got the whole shop staring at us.

Hope her new colleagues are treating her nicely. But I guess someone who would mistreat someone as nice as her has to be out of her mind.

Went to Orchard later on and saw Jo with her new digital cam... Wish I could afford one.

Sat down with Lynn and her boyfriend at Mos Burger and we had long funny chat about silly things. Wanted to go to a KTV, but was too ex. We saw a really weird guy in a really old looking outfit, behaving very exaggeratingly... Even a simple movement to put a straw in his drink, or even light up a cigarette can be a big movement in his hands.

The patrons at the shop were staring at him, but it seems that he wanted the attention.

Was a really fun day...

Pastor Sun...

Saw the new album... Yeah....

Friday, October 24, 2003


If you had watched the show with me and me mates... You would agree, that the movie is sort of anti-climax and that the best part of the movie was that we would be able to oogle over the pretty faces in the picture... I like Pinky better, but 3 votes against me go for the lead actress...

The glasses were too big and were too troublesome to put them on, and they didn't do much for the movie anyway. But I have to admit that I did get a shock at some parts.

The movie was suspicious alike to my PS2 game of "fatal frame", which involves a camera that could capture spirits, a sister venturing out into a ghost infested place to look for her missing brother who went there before that. The part in the haunted house where hands were sticking out from mirrors... Ah... That was exactly like "fatal frame", and the would be "rope lady"... maybe the old lady at the end of the mirrors...

Catch my drift? Overall, was a good movie... But I got a stiff neck from watching the movie from seats on the side... 8.50 was too high a price. try catching it on a normal day. The movie can wait... trust me.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Can't Hardly Wait...

Gonna catch the movie "The Park" later...

Hope we can get tickets....

It's good... It's good...

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Work Sucks...

I'm begginning to feel that my workplace really sucks badly. There's no unity, people backstab each other... There's even racism. Can't believe it.

5 more months to go, and I'm already making plans about what job I should be interviewing for next.

Hope I can get out of this job fast. I don't mind gving up my gratituty, my bonuses, as long as I can get out.

Monday, October 20, 2003

The Good Old Days

Miss the good old days when me and a group of good friends will sit down together and have long chats about stuff, sharing inner secrets. But sad to say, those days will never come back again.

Things do not seem to be the same as before, perhaps like others say... People change.

Not only that, but we seem to have drifted apart slowly and most of us are too preoccupied with work, both school and work work... Nonetheless, those were good days. People were more genuine and more united... Unlike now... Haiz.

Hope you guys are doing better... Don't forget to treasure your good friends... They are hard to come by.

Ghost Movie

Can't wait for the 24th this month when the ghost movie "The Park" will be showing. Hope it will be good... Wow... A 3D ghost movie... Those who wanna catch it can contact me, then we'll catch it together.

Movie website... Check this out

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Working Like A Dog

Another day of tiring section 2 yesterday... That marathon thingy was a bother. I had too many people coming to me and 1 too many buses. I had to cover duties of 3 places at 1 time. It was so darn tiring I fell asleep on the bus back home. Good thing I woke up at the last minute, or I would have to walk a long way back.

Cheap Books

Wow... I couldn't believe my eyes. Second hand books for a dollar each. Took the time to pick out some programming books and comics, all at 1 dollar per piece. The place was like nerd heaven for a nerd like me. *LOL*

The SPA experience

Had an experience of a SPA massage after I "volunteered" to be a model for my stead. *LOL*

Had to sacrifice myself to be "topless" in front of so many people. She tried her best to be calm through out her school exam. Could feel that she was extremely nervous through her shivering hands.

When I had a chance to glance at her, the only thoughts in my mind was that how fortunate I was to have a massage done by my stead. I smiled at her and discreetly said "jia you" to her, hoping she will be more confident. It was a good experience still...

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Works in Progress

Been revamping my blog... Sorry if I caused in conveniences. Hope you'll like the new look.

Friday, October 17, 2003

A Barrel Of Laughter

I think the people at my workplace are out of their mind... Well... At least some of them are.

Someone told me a funny 2 hours before knocking off. She told me that there was a guy interested in me. *LOL* What a joke.

She asked me if I had a boyfriend. I couldn't believe my ears. No guy in the right sense of mind will be interested in a butch. Anyway, I think it was probably some crap she came up with to ask me if I had a boyfriend... Must be a bet of some kind.

Some people will bet over anything... ( -_-")

Thursday, October 16, 2003

For the first time in a long time. I feel very fortunate. *LOL*

I was woken up, not by the usual alarm clocks, but by my lovely stead. This is the first time she was awake to greet me on a early monring. I stepped into the toilet half asleep and was greeted by a pleasent surprise. MY toothbrush was already prepared for me, and next was a light breakfast of an egg. Although breakfast didn't turn out the way she wanted it to, I was still touched.

I took my time going to the inservice. Reached there when everyone has already fallen in. Got scolded of course. *Shucks* I actually almost fell asleep during inservice today.

It's saddening to think about tomorrow. Got to work in the morning again...

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

This is my new blogchalk:
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, English, Chinese, Seth, Female, 21-25, Cycling, Listening To Music. :)

I can't believe it... 20 dollars and 80 cents down the drain...

I actually fell asleep and missed my orientation. Haiz...

Thought the game was finishing soon. (Grandia 2) But I guess there is this long way to go.

My off day tomorrow kenna burn, can't believe it. Got to go back for in service. Hope it will be good.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Got to be fast... Only got 10 more minutes before I got to go for work. Just got started recently on a new RPG game on my PS2... Grandia 2. The graphics are just so so, but the overall game play is good. Catch ya tomorrow. Got to off for work.

Sunday, October 12, 2003

Got a new hp... A Nokia 2100. Hopefully I won't lose my hp again. Anyway... Thank God.

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Your a NATURAL LESBIAN !!! ... honey you like it
romantic ... you also like it natural and want
only a pure loving relationship ... this is a
wonderful way to live out in the romance
department ... by just BEING YOURSELF!

What Type of Lesbian are YOU? (great pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Let me post a questions to everyone:

"If you were to lose something, and it was between your wallet and your hp...

What would you rather it be?"

My answer would be my wallet. Although I had 200 dollars in it a moment ago, my identity card, my ATM card, my warrant card, my arm disc and membership card of all kinds. Everything can be replaced with money and a little report writing to answer for my carelessness. But my handphone... It is irreplaceable.

My memories of all the good times I had. The photos of the different hairstyle I had, both good and bad. The sms that made me happy, made me sad. Contact numbers that were given to me. Birthdays and important dates to remember or had taken place. Games which I had paid to download and played whenever I am down. All these are irreplaceable.

Guess they will never come back to me again...

What an outrageously unfair, uncaring, unloving world we are living in.

Can't believe I was careless enough to leave my 7250 on the cab on the way to my squad mate's wedding ceremony.

On a normal day, I would always turn back to check the seat is all clear before going off.

My 5 month old 7250 down the drain. My memories, my photos, my phone numbers and the sms that everyone has sent me.

I can't believe Comfort would be a company that ignores it's customers call for help. After all, it's the biggest cab company in Singapore.

I was told to call a lost and found hotline when I called the Booking line at 65521111. I made a report as usual, expecting them to do their best to help their cutomers to get back their lost belongings.

Me and Ivy, we spotted another cab of the same kind and talked to the driver about it. To my very surprise. Comfort DID NOT despatch a message to their cabs about the lost message on their sms sysytem. I called back to the lost and found hotline at 65508515 to ask if there was a response. They reassured me they were working on it, but there were no response so far.

I wasn't shocked at all... After all, they made no efforts to trace this taxi driver. If only I had remembered the cab number. After 1 whole hour of non stop callling to my own hp. It finally came to an end. My hp was turned off by its new unrightful "owner". It was over.

My line was a prepaid card, which Starhub informed me that I could not cut. The person made off with a line that I had just topped up recently. No matter what sms I had sent to beg this person, even offered to pay to buy back my own phone, he or she was heartless enough to ignore my pleas and cries for help.

I tried praying even, but to no avail.

Nothing worked. It all ends here...

My wild chase for my memories...

My happy memories.

Friday, October 10, 2003

I seem to have this nack of offending everyone around me or something. I really wonder what I have done to deserve all this. Perhaps I deserve it, but can someone tell the reason why I deserve it and what I did to deserve it. Everything sucks. I really hate what goes on around me but is there really nothing I can do to stop all this foolishness?

What the heck.

This is what life is really about right?

Thursday, October 09, 2003

Another day of shift one duty, another day of madness. I really don't know how to fit into this team of people. Many a times when I feel that I had bridged the distance between everyone and me, as many times they had to prove me wrong. I don't seem to have the knack of getting along with people any more. Whatever had happened to the PR skills that I had to employ in my previous jobs? Haiz. Life is a saddening journey. Hope it won't stay this way forever.

Yesterday night was really fun. I went to KBox with 2 of my good friends and my stead. Bought S.H.E's cd from the place for SG$18.90 and it came with 2 free posters. We got a free jug of beer and all. It was all so cool. Wish everyday could be so fun... Hate my boring mundane life.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

I'm kinda depressed today... Cause I witnessed the death of a small life on the road yesterday.

I was along North Bridge Road near to Bras Brasah Complex when I saw a small body lying on the middle of the road. It was a wounded cat and it was breathing really hard. I waited for the traffic light to turn red before dashing across to examine it's body.

It was bleeding and it's head and back legs seem to be fractured. The traffic light ended promptly and I had to dash back to the sidewalk. As much as I wanted to carry it over to the sidewalk, I couldn't. I was afraid of injuring the poor thing further. Signs of vehicles avoiding the poor thing made me feel abit better, but it did not reassure me that it will be alright.

Ivy and I saw a patrol car go by, but they did not stop to help the poor thing. I almost broke out in tears watching its tiny body move up and down with its breathing. Just then, a car rammed right into the small thing and its body flew slightly from the impact. I screamed, "No!" and the passer-bys just stared at me coldly. Then a second impact by a lorry... The poor thing breathed its last as it flew slightly off the road surface. I cried. Tears welled up in both of my eyes.

I dashed across to look at its body, I wanted to see if I can still saw it. But it was all too late! I reluctantly dragged my legs and poor Ivy away from the site. She was crying as well. Images of the dead cat, its poped out eyeball and whatever remains of it kept poping up in my mind like unwanted pop up ads. My mind went blank, it was flooded with the word "Why did it had to die like that?".

I can't believe noone else stopped to help the cat. But Ivy was right too. If I had saved the cat, it would have been suffering too and probably suffer longer as it was already badly injured. One thing was still on my mind though, I could have saved the cat from such a tragic death and maybe someone like a vet could be around to save it. Things could have been better...

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Still can't sleep... the noise is just too much!

Damn... Just returned from that stupid work of mine, and I can't even get a bloody minute of rest. Damn I hate my life! I haven't had sleep for so long... Wasn't able to get to sleep last night due to a bladdy headache that came at a "perfect" timing. Spent the whole 1 and a half hour sitting on the "bed" reading my detective Conan comic. Just bought it yesterday before work. It's the latest one think it's the 42th episode. Anyway, this time round... The storyline was wonderful, full of surprises and all and he finally managed to get nearer to the black organisation. Can't wait for the next episode. But now all I want, all I need, is some long overdued rest. 2 renovations at the same time! Can you imagine the pain I am suffering now? I need rest... Sleep... Now!

Monday, October 06, 2003

Last night was pathetic. I was on my toes practically the whole night. But I the good thing is that I did not let myself down. I made it through the whole night without him having a single thing to have against me. I performed my duty for the whole 10 and a half hours. As usual, they gave me extremely "lucky" place to be in during the last few hours of the duty. I hadn't sleep the during my 1 and a half hours of rest time as all the "beds" were occupied. The whole day was so bad that I felt faint during the last 2 hours. But thank god I didn't faint on the spot. I slept on the entire journey on the bus back home. Thank god the day was finally over and I'm finally able to get rest, but not for long anyway... I have to perform duty later on at eight tonight. Man... I hate my life! Haiz...

Sunday, October 05, 2003

My shift today has been changed from morning to night... Got to work with a different team tonight... Haiz! One thing I hate about this team is their team leader. He's so on the ball about the performance of his team ever since he came back from the case. He probably wants to show the others that he can have a tip top team if they keep him in the company, so that he doesn't get laid off. Times are so bad, that noone in the right sense of mind will want to lose their job... Haiz! Same goes for me! Hopefully things will go right later on, and nothing will crop up for me. *crosses my fingers and toes*

6 months into my new job already, 6 more months to go... Haiz... As much as I needed a bond to tie me down in a job, as much as it bothers me, counting the numbers of months... weeks... days... hours... minutes... and seconds till it comes to an end. It's almost about time I start to decide which way I wanna go. Whether I decide to stay and complete my contract to get my gratituty or leave the moment I finish my bond. It's hard to say now where I'll be going. Hopefully the decision is a good one which I will not regret on making later on.