Thursday, June 23, 2005

Eeyore the donkey...

I kinda noticed that I have evolved into an Eeyore... Gloomy guy who likes to be by himself... Unnoticed most of the time... Being appreciative when people notice him, no matter what reason it was for...

It was a nice change for a while... Reclining to watch the world go by... But being an Eeyore is not going to bring me to places I wanna go... I have dreams I wanna fulfil... Places I wanna set foot on...

I was trying to recall when I turned into this passive animal, but to no avail... I used to be a confident party animal with a direct and clear path... Self driven, self motivated person... So what happened to me???

Had been numb to everyone around me for quite some time... And I believe it is time for a change... It's time to defrost that passion inside of me... The passion from the love I have for all my friends...

I need a plan... A clear plan in life... A path I wanna stick to... I wanna go somewhere where I can make a difference... It's time to move on...

Sorry to everyone I have neglected during the past few months... Especially my girlfriend... Thank you for sticking with me, despite my passiveness... Thank you!


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