Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Have you read a Dan Brown???

I have been rather absorbed... Ouccpied... Busy... with a book... Not just any book, but THE book... Of course, it's none other than the well known best seller of Dan Brown's... The Da Vinci code...

Dan Brown intrigues you... and tempts you to read on using short chapters with an open ended question mark that leaves you ready for more mysteries... I couldn't take my eyes off the book... Caught a few chapters secretly during work hours as well...

Dan Brown is a very daring man... He dabbles with sensitive non-fiction topics and tactfully combines it with a tint of fiction that often leaves his readers questioning themselves as to which is fact and which is fiction...

I admire the courage he seems to with hold in his words, as he challenges an extremely sensitive topic In Singapore... Religion... In the story, he mentioned that the holy bible was actually compiled togther by a powerful pagan by the name of Constantine as an effort to elevate his power standings... He took 2 religions, a sun worshipping pagan group and of course christianity and combimed them into 1... Doctorines that reflected Jesus as a man serving the ministry were taken out, and those that made Jesus seemed Holy were compiled... Constantine rode to fame on Jesus name had further escalated his power... In the bible, God had rested on a Saturday... And yet we worship God on Sunday... Sunday was the day the pagans paid tribute to their god...

Questions shot in my mind, as I read... The book also mentions that the Holy Grail is not a cup they drank out of during the last supper, but a human instead. That Leonardo Da Vinci has hidden codes in his drawings... And much more...

The book imparts simple knowledges that I hadn't took time to notice before, like the beautiful number... the basic building block formula known as PHI... Did you know that PHI can be seen in nature everywhere, including humans... The ratio of many of our body parts measured together is actually PHI... For example, the ratio of how far our head is to the ground to how far our belly button is to the ground is actually PHI...

IF you wanna know more... Don't hesitate... Pick up your copy today... Hee...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Seth, saw a page listed in a friends profile at www.SchoolBuddies.com. that talked about communities and somehow sent me here. How long ago did you set up this site? ttyl

November 9, 2005 at 4:30:00 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog Seth. I was searching for information on Leonardo da Vinci paintings and came across your post Have you read a Dan Brown??? - not quite what I was looking for related to Leonardo da Vinci paintings but very interesting all the same!

Well we're already into 2006 and I wish you all the best. I'm doing a lot of original work on Leonardo, including looking in detail at the technical drawings of machines and human anatomy. We're also publishing a detailed analysis of the Last Supper and Annunciation, which should be quite interesting.

If you do have a moment, please take a look at our latest galery on: Leonardo da Vinci .

Wishing you well in the new year! Amon

January 21, 2006 at 3:36:00 AM GMT+8  

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