Saturday, October 25, 2003

Happy Deepavali

Went out to celebrate obaqueh belated bday... Didn't feel right to let her foot the bill... But the drama we had at the cashier was simply hilarious. Think we got the whole shop staring at us.

Hope her new colleagues are treating her nicely. But I guess someone who would mistreat someone as nice as her has to be out of her mind.

Went to Orchard later on and saw Jo with her new digital cam... Wish I could afford one.

Sat down with Lynn and her boyfriend at Mos Burger and we had long funny chat about silly things. Wanted to go to a KTV, but was too ex. We saw a really weird guy in a really old looking outfit, behaving very exaggeratingly... Even a simple movement to put a straw in his drink, or even light up a cigarette can be a big movement in his hands.

The patrons at the shop were staring at him, but it seems that he wanted the attention.

Was a really fun day...


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