Monday, July 17, 2006

Death... Is it a relief, or is it just another process of suffering?

The only times when one gets to see all his or her relatives are probably at the following events:-

1. Lunar New Year
2. Weddings and
3. Funerals

Yes, the most unfortunate thing has happened... My parental grandmother has passed away. Everyone who could make it rushed over to see Ah Mah (Grandmother) as fast as they could. Ah Mah had left us peacefully in her sleep and that was a very blessed thing as no one could possibly bare to see her suffer.

Looking at Ah Mah's frail body, thoughts went through my head...
- Was Ah Mah satisfied with her life?
- Has she accomplished everything she wanted to?
- Was there someone she was worried about leaving behind?

When the undertakers came to move Ah Mah's body, she still had a cast on her ankle from her fall recently. Ah Mah was scheduled to have the cast removed sometime this week or next, but now she won't need the cast any more.

For someone who's suffering, is death what they would wish for?