Monday, August 30, 2004

Countin' down till I kiss internet Bye Bye...

Project ending on the 1st next month, then I'm going back to HS... No more logging on to MSN in the morning... No more ant infested weird smelling room... No more distilled water...

Progress for my webpage will slow down... Can't check my mail regularly... Can't update my blog... Sigh...

Hopefully I will be able to find an alternative soon...

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Chiobus Galore...

Didn't realise that there were so many chiobus working office jobs till I woke up late today and missed my regular trains.
The morning rush was worst than ever, but the view sure is good.
It makes sense to the phrase about being fashionably late. But I believe I won't be frequently taking the train at this time though. :)

Been noticing someone who looks like my primary school classmate whose name is Aiting... Didn't dare to call out to her... Maybe a case of mistaken identity or give her a shock to see me like this....

Got to concentrate on my project... Take care!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Getting Sluggish...

I have been dragging myself to work then home... Leading a boring lifestyle of a 9-5 office worker... Got no life, got no hobbies except for my PS2...

Only thing that perks me up is watching people around me go throough life. I see people who work hard, people to slog like me, and I see printers all around me.

I see more apple polishers, more back stabbers, more cases of favourism and more gossips than I ever wanted. People are more plastic, and they are all desperate to climb up a giant coporate ladder.

My company is small, but politics never spared it. Most of the people are trying to step on each other to get to the top. Those who stay quiet are usually stuck at the bottom unnoticed.

I wonder where I belong... I've always hated plastic people, politics and apple polishing... Sigh...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004


upon myself... Yes... I'm repenting.

Time had been a big factor in many parts of my life and I had never made full use of them. Many things I now regret not doing and things I have regretted saying or doing. I've been stubborn and not stopped to look around me.

I had failed to spot opportunities and had let them slip by me. And there are people avoiding me... People who do care for me... But it's too late for changes.

I truly repent over everything that I had done. If I had done anything wrong to the people around me without knowing, I'm very sorry.

I truly am!

Friday, August 20, 2004

It's such a nightmare...

I actually dreamt about Sven... After not seeing her for a while. Wonder how she's doing...

Why is it a nightmare? Why that's because I dreamt about her and my ex... Let's call her... 4.
4 is one of those who I still am able to contact...
Somehow in my dream, 4, Sven and me met together and 4 started to get close to me...
Feeling a little softheated and perhaps a little still in love with her... I played along.

We were being lovely dovey and all... Till we entered a hostel, then she pushed me away saying that we're not close and that she hates me. I broke down of course, stunned over how to react.

I stayed on the top of the bunk bed wondering what I should do, and when I looked down, Sven was making out with 4... And when I confronted them, Sven told me they had been doing this many times already...

The funniest thing is that I dun even want to get back with 4 and she's already attached... So weird...

But I do feel a little like contacing Sven, cos we had always been such good brothers... buddys... Maybe she doesn't think so any more... Haiz... Whatever she's doing... I would like to wish she all the best!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Hazards of the NE SBSTransit

Was a little later than usual when I reached Al junied MRT, so I took a later train. When I reached a noticeboard along the linkway to NE from Outrum Park MRT, It was indicating 3 minutes till next train... I picked up my pace and checked the sign above the escalator... 3 minutes.

Smiling to myself as I went down the escalator, I glanced through the big crowd at the bottom, happily thinkikng to myself that I must have caught up with those from the previous train...

I headed to my normal door and waited, 2 minutes later.... I looked up... No train in sight, there was no next train indicator on the information panel. A train went past us in a fast speed without stopping, then the indicator showed the next train at 5 minutes.

The people around me started getting impatient, then an announcement came over the loudspeaker... The next train will be arriving in 3 minutes.

The train then finally came... stopped and everyone scrambled onto the train. 1 minute later, the doors closing signal kicked in, and the crowd still trying to whelm into the train. I was caught stunned as I saw 4 people almost caught between the 2 doors with the door closing in fast. The door closed shut with a loud sound, then followed by some others at the back... Guess there were people trapped...

The train moved off after securing all doors... Upon reaching HarbourFront, going through the massive crowd... I noticed the panel saying the next train leaving was like 68 minutes later....
What happened to our NE line???

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Not again... It's too soon...

Haiz... Went out to collect my new polo tee at Bugis Village, then went to Kino to buy more comics, then went NTUC stock up my maggic mee... Then reach home only after 8.

Happily put down my buys then wanted to say hi to Fat... He was lying in a very awkward position, but I thought it as nothing but another funny sleeping position. I called out his name a few times, but he had no reaction. I began to panick. I blew lightly onto his body to disturb him, but he wasn't moving...

Fat was gone... my favourite Fat Fat... Felt so guilty that I couldn't see him for the last time... Haiz... KK told me Fat was from the same batch and the few others, and she was prepared they would go too... Haiz...

Monday, August 16, 2004

Small life gone...

I was watching Dotty in my hand as she makes her final struggle, trying to feed her water. But she only took in small sips... Now there only remain 7 hamsters in the house.

Trying my best to make Dotty come to life, I could only see her small body breathing heavily. I stroked her fur and watched her look at me with her left eye. Just a few more hours before she has to go. And a few more hours to the first day of the chinese seventh month.

It's quite sad, as I had a few hamsters previously, and they have to pass away after their expected lifespan is up. I had to sleep before she formally passes away, a plastic container lined with tissue paper was the best coffin we had to offer her. When I woke up for work in the morning, she was already gone. Her body enclosed in the plastic coffin. Sigh...

Friday, August 13, 2004

Good morning Mr Ban...

Hee hee... Was in the daze when I bumped into my big boss... Well... he seems to be the biggest in this country's branch.

Was on my way to punch in when he greeted me first... Imagine that... That's the kind of boss I wouldn't mind working for. A boss with humility! If that's the way to spell it.

Figured he took the wrong life, as that life was upriding. Both of us reached the bottom floor that the same time. He held the glass door to the cafe for me and asked if I was getting breakfast. I gave him a affrimative answer and he offered to pay for my breakfast.

Wow!!! That was all I could think of. I had to reject him, afterall it's not like me to accept a treat from people who are not close to me.

He waited for a while hoping to pay for me while I queued to order, but he had to leave...

Shucks... Just when I thought of quitting the job. He brings hope into this boring job!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Internet Daze...

Life just seems so much boring when I dun have internet access... Sigh...
Been making full use of the time I have at work to borrow a little of the LAN's bandwidth to do my blogging.
It's been a while... A long while...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

New job... New beginnings... Old boring life...

Sorry I hadn't updated my blog for a while... For all you blogger fans.... Here's an update...

I had started my job as a software tester on the 15th of June in a Japanese company. Met new faces, new friends, new stress... Old boring situations.

I can't help but wonder to myself, why my life seems so plain boring. Life is like a ritual to me, repeating the same old things everyday. What can I do to make my life more interesting.

Thought maybe I would fall in love again, but am slowly giving up on the thought... What's the use of getting myself bothered. If things were to happen it will...

An old friend told me that I'm always like that? Is it a bad thing not to change? Afterall... Everyone changes... Did I really not change?