Thursday, December 30, 2004

There's something about Ying mei...

Sigh... I can't help it... Think I'm helplessly, hopelessly and completely in love with her...

Finally managed to convinve SY to join us for drinks after dinner on 28th December 2004, Tuesday night.. Sigh... Couldn't help but fix my eyes on her...

Her eyes, her smile, her voice... She may not be very special looking, but she's always been that special one... Hope she can really make it for new year count down... :)

Monday, December 27, 2004

Itz me Bird day...

26th December 2004 Sunday

Spent me bird day with my relatives... My 2nd aunt on my dad's side had booked a ktv room in Thomson area... But all this was purely for gathering... Made my dad and mum sing a cantonese bday song for me, then all my relatives knew it was like my bday...

My small uncle bought durian cake for me... talked alittle with my 2 cousins... 1 an auditor, the other going to a famous Aussie medical university to study speech theraphy...

Received a present from my 9 years best friend... so gan gong... Had a hearty dinner with all my relatives... Wanted to go out that night... But things cropped up and I stayed at home

27th December 2004 (Monday)
Yeah!!! Today is company official holiday, went sentosa with XL, Joy and Thing... The sun was so weenie, we had a hard time catching a tan...

Had a few turns on the slide... Watched a few monkeys make a fool of themselves... Chased a beach ball really really far... Suffered a few sunburns here and there... Got guitar lesson later...

Now at Joy's house watching her play fatal frame 2... :)

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Hoe Hole Hold... Marry Criss Moss...

Was supposed to work full shift on Friday... But JS came along saying we can leave at 12... But there's so much stuff to complete by Thursday... Sigh... Plus Monday is a company holiday... We managed to request to work till 1500...

Got my pressies from Irene, Jen and JS... So touched... Went back home with my pressies with a sweetness filled heart...

After dinner with my family, watched alittle tv... Then as promised, went over to meet Irene to join TW and gang... Another live band pub... But look more like restaurant on the outside... Was supposed to meet at 2200, but they were all late as usual, except for Irene and Desmond... Left at 2245, to meet XL and Joy... Didn't get any Martel... Haiz...

Met *surprise* SY at 5-10, while on the way to Troppo... Wow!!! God must love me... Went straight up after saying hi... Simon marked up the drinks again... Haiz... Chelsea's back!!!*Yeah* Shirley's back!!!*Yeah!* Had 1 plus bottle of hoegarden, 1 glass of stella artois and 1 on the house shot from Simon... Wow!!! Got Chelsea to sing a Bday song for me... So happy...

SY + Free drink from Simon + Bday song from Chelsea + Presents from my closest friends = The best birthday ever... :)

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Gang of the gathering...

21 December 2004 (Tuesday)

Went to Shan's house for our gathering... People whom I have not seen for years came along... I cooked the spaghetti of course... But I should have done the sauce as well... Cause Shan's sauce was like... Err.. Never mind...

It was the usual suaning sessions with wine and weird food by Shan... Hahaha... Irene drew my present and I got Zhixiang's... Pity noone touched Irene's salad...

Everyone started rotting after a while... So we walked over to Mt Faber Safra... Played pool... Then went bowling... Hadn't bowled in a while... Had a lousy start, but picked up the score later on... Strained my hamstring...

22 December 2004 (Wednesday)

Walked like a zombie... Not enough sleep...

23 December 2004 (Thursday)

Suay ah... Got diarrhea... Had to run between the 3rd floor toilet and the office, cause our floor's office had been in renovation since like 2 weeks ago... Went home during lunch time... The doctor gave me 2 days mc... Wah... Sounds so serious man...

Felt bad to leave early, had to leave Jen and LF to do the job... Haiz...

Found out that XL, Lynn and Jasz all work at another place instead... XL and Lynn tender today... Sigh... So demoralising... So so so demoralizing... like end of the world... Haiz...

Monday, December 20, 2004

My mei... The bitchy midget...

LOL... Had dindin with me mom and Irene and Dasmond... Hee... @ Clementi of cos...

That midget mei of mine came by to ka jiao me also... Hee... That's a miracle... Cos she'll normally only find me when she has nothing better to do or nobody to accompany her... *Hee*

Bought spaghetti... Cause I'm in charge of cooking that tomorrow night... Believe it... I can cook... *LOL*

Gift a money can't buy...

Had the a wonderful surprise... On Sunday... Me and XL went Xmas shopping after guitar class... Went around to find Joy's pressie first... Bought all the pressies except for my bro's... dunno what to get for him...

Met up with Joy after getting her gift, so that we could pass it to her 1st hand... Shopped around BJ for my mum's and dad's pressies... After buying all the pressies, my wallet was empty... But wanted to get wrappers... So I suggested to go to "Lao hu li land" *LOL*... I actually got the most pleasent surprise a Seth can ever have... I bumped into SY!!!

My brain actually froze for seconds before the excitement kicked in... I had a crush on her since 3 years ago or something... Sigh... Anyway, decided to ask her to join us for a drink at Breeko... She was saying that it was actually easy to bump into each other rather than a planned outing...
I had been dying to see her since I dunno how long ago...

Much as I know I will never end up with her... I still wanna see her and know that she's doing fine... Share her job problems... Her friendship problems... Her family problems... Sigh... She my not be pretty, tall, or sexy... She'll always be my ideal... my dream... my angel... Noone will believe this anyway... *Haiz* She juz doesn't seem like the kind I'll fall in love with...

Really wanna thank God for this chance encounter... Thanks for the gift that money can never buy... Thanks to Joy and XL who accompanied me... :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Thanks for the prezzie guys...

Thanks XL and Joy... Great gift... :) Ai si ni men le...

Joy... May your mum get well soon... :D

Monday, December 13, 2004

And how was my weekend, you were asking???

----------10 December 2004 (friday)----------
Friday night... Chongster night... But, as usual I was going to work... Didn't mind working for the extra cash though... Shaffie was on MC, then Francis wasstarting to fall sick... Me? I felt at that point nobody could be more sick than me... Felt like dying... The entire Vancouver team... The small 3 men team... Has been defeated by the flu bug... Sigh...

----------11 December 2004 (Saturday)----------
All the same, finished work, then as promised much earlier on... Went to JB early in the morning with Joy and XL... We were supposed to meet @ 0830, but due to some predicted situations, moved off at 0845...

The causeway was like jammed even for such an early time... 0915 perhaps... I was having gloating at those on traffic duty... LOL... Could remember when I was doing that!!! *##!!&&##*
Nothing wrong with your pc... Those words were encoded... :P

At the immigration hall, on both sides, the crowd was not as bad as the time I went on National day... That sucks big time... It took us at least 2 hours to clear both sides...
Flashed my pearlies at the ICA staff chopping my passport... Hee Hee...

----------Johor Bahru, Malaysia----------
Reached JB at 1030. As usual... It was off to the money changer then to City Square for my favourite Marry Brown... The whole complex just opened at 1000, but the shops are not ready yet... The most disappointing thing is Marry Brown will only be ready at 1100... Haiz...

Anyway, we decided to head to Mcdonalds to have breakfast... The food there is so cheap... A big breakfast set only cost us 7+Ringgit... Which is only 3+SingDollars... Cheap man... But I got my usual "jia liao" or add ingredient... Egg shell in my omelette...

Then it's off to Hoilday Plaza on a 5Ringgit ride... Then it's shopping spree... Bought a ton of comic books and 7 PS2 games... Hee... Bought some of those chewing thingy then our shopping was done...

Headed back to City Square for Marry Brown... Hee... Had my dua piece of ayam goreng... Shiok! Then it's back to the causeway tussle... The malaysia side... All clear... The Singapore side... All clear... The BKE... Jammed... Really jammed... Sigh... Suffered a long bus trip back home... By the time we were at Queen's street, every single muscle of mine hurts... I could feel a fever brewing...

Went to XL's place to bring back my PS2 along with some other stuff... Sickly, dragged the bags onto a cab... Went home sickly... The driver was like telling me he's been staying in Clementi for 26 years already, which is all his life... But I thought to drive a cab you must be 30 and above???

Reached home... Dropped dead on my mum's bed trying to use to rest of my remaining strength to put up my PS2... With my burning forehead, I played my new Lord of the rings - The third age... :)

Slogged down to dinner to have some porridge before coming up to comtinue my game... Took my temp using the CISCO free thermometer... Wow... 38.7... Never saw such a high number on my thermometer before... Cancelled my appointments for the night took 2 panadols before my father and daughter movie watching bonding...

Kept irritating my dad with the thermometer as I took temp every 5 min... Wanted to let him know I'm okay as my temp seems to be going down effectively... 38.5... 38.4....37.9....37.6...
I decided I was gonna be okay wihtout a doc then went to sleep...

----------12 December 2004, Sunday----------
Woke up... Took a reading 36.9... Good enough for me... After lunch, I was ready to leave for guitar class. Was going to be on time till I reached Orchard and got stuck in a giant jam... Sucks...

Reached Hark at 1545... Thank God class hasn't started... The second thing I wanna thank God is that the drum machine wasn't working... That thing put me in slow mood for a whole week the last time... Learnt how to transpose a song... Paid fees... Then I was broke... Sigh...

XL had to wait for her mum, so we had dinner together... Had my favourite combo 1 at LJS then slowly walked to Burlington to use the usual toilet... Then off to that Taiwan dessert shop... My favourite mango ice... Hee... Once again back to Burlington toilet amd guess who we saw... Jennifer... Our ex boss... Lucky she dun recognise me... But XL how to forget... Hee...

Walked to Bugis so that we can help her mum trade in her phone before I headed for home and we went seperate ways...

On the bus home, caught a glimpse of the music dance machine... Sigh... I wanna go to the carnival so much... Wanted to go on the Music Dance ride so much... Sigh... Don't know why I like it so much... It's not really the ride... It's looking at the girls on the ride screaming... Looking at people looking at the ride... The techno music... Sigh...

Blog off...

Friday, December 10, 2004

Snowball Party cancelled for the first time...

LOL... Read this on the New Paper yesterday...

What's the Snowball party about?
- It's an annual new year party for gays...

When was the first Snowball Party?
- December 2002

Are there any other gay parties?
- Nation Party (National Day, August) and some others

Who's organising the parties?
- Jungle Media, the Singapore subsidary of HK based Fridae (

Where is it held at?
- Suntec City, Singapore

Find out more at

* Wah... Me and Shaffie are down with flu liao... Cham...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Seafood!!! Yum yum yum...

Last night... Met my parents together with Irene and Dasmond... Went to Pasir Panjang market to have seafood... Yeah...

We had stingray, sambal squid, oyster kangkong, chut chut (those snail like thingy)...

Yum yum yum... Hee... Today back to night shift liao... Hee...

6 months of singlehood and counting...

Yep... It's true... I'm actually single for so long... I know most of you won't believe it... :)

Monday, December 06, 2004

My poor a**...

Got diarrhea the moment I came home... Haiz... Been running between the toilet and the com... *LOL* Man... Hate to go to work in this state...

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Alcohol is good for you!!! :P

A little late with this entry cos came back at 340 am in the morning today... Then slept till afternoon and went out for lunch with my family...

Saturday morning was spent in a half daze... Slept through most of the day on and off... When I finally woke up, it was like 6+ in the evening dinner time... My bro brought his gf along for dinner... We ate at the housefly place @449 :)

We ordered 4 dishes... Yam something, beancurd, vege (I think) and my fav!!! Crab!!! 2 crabs to be exact... Had 2 big ones(1.5KG) and it was super power!!! Super spicy... Much much much better than the ones we had at Newton Circus with Joy and XL... Worth the 30 bucks...

Went to Troppo after dinner... Chelsea went to Taiwan!!! So sad... Cos the stand in was pretty disappointing... Normally the place will be packed during the 1st set, but after the 1st set... The place was almost empty, except for Simon's friends... Chelsea I miss you... Asked Serena when she'll be back, she said next Sat... Thank God...

Left the place after the 2nd set, went for supper at kopitiam... The lamb chop... Super... Must try... Then went to 51 Neil Road... Which turned out to be Las Vegas... The place where Irene recommend... When step in only see uncles and ah bengs... The waitress all ah lians... Then got techno... Scally we sit down the DJ start to play HipHop... So farny...

The so called live band stage was so small... like 1 tenth of Simon's... 1 person live band??? Anyway, didn't get to see any live band... The whole atmosphere was like G-string, except the waitresses at Gstring are all GROs... Some more figure also good then wear white and play pool with you one... :)

The vodka jug at discount price of 38 had only like 8 ice cubes, but the whole drink was very diluted... NO vodka taste... 7up taste flat... diluted... Can't even pour 8 glasses... What a rip off... We quickly left and headed to Babylon...

Upon entry, I could smell the essence of unwashed fridge... *LOL* like the kind we had at bakery culture when we wash it... But the server was friendly and fun... The gays there didn't even bother us... 1 sang yu jian, 1 sang wo men de ai by FIR... Guy can sing that leh... Not bad... We had more vodka... More dice games with vodka penalty... Drank till I puked...

It's a real fun place... Free flow peanuts plus the best fact that you could litter your peanut shells all over the floor... Shiok... Can sing badly and nobody care... We left the place like315am... Then took cab home... :)


Sunday morning... went for yum cha with my family... Went to Harbourfront Dragon gate... Ala carte buffet at 13.80+++ per head... Good price for Sunday.
My dad ordered so much that my belly almost burst... Could feel it growing 1-2 inches.. Hee

After that went for guitar class... That new teacher was quite a nite mare... None of us could understand his humour and the whole class atmosphere went down to -10 degrees. His pace was so slow that I kept going faster than the rest of the class... Think my whole blood circulation also slow down... Became lazy... Had my fav pig organ soup... Then came back home and had tissue prata... Hee... Sure fat one ah...

Friday, December 03, 2004

Singing is my passion... It's my life...

I just love singing... Can't stop singing... Think I'm always irritating people with my singing...

Could recall the time when I was in secondary school... some say I can't sing... Some are always asking me to sing... I was like a radio to some... Dedicating songs that they wanna hear... Songa that were popular back then...

I have stage fright... Could remember my first stage appearence, which was back in Secondary school... I was in Sec 3, singing in a competition with my buddy... We sang 25 minutes by MLTR and Hero by Mariah Carey I think... It was such a flop...

My next appearence was in Herstory Idol... It was a really good experience... But I've come to realise that appearence counts alot in a singing career...

I had always wanted to be a rock star... But people look at me and say I'm a Hiphop wanna be... It's really saddening... I always wanted to be part of a band like Beyond or Mayday...

I saw Judith on that Nancy show on Channel U... She's one of the contestant from Herstory Idol... Looking at her makes me wonder if I really should go for the next competition... Sigh...

Happy Birthday Vivien mei... All the best in whatever you wish to do... :)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Singapore Idol mania...

Finally the whole hassle is over and done with... From the moment I picked up the form (june) till December 1st... It's already a month... Finally the first ever Singapore Idol is born... Taufik!!!

Thank God I hadn't join this competition... I would have made a fool of myself like in Herstory idol... Saw the fat and ugly pix of me... It was a big mistake... I was lucky to get into the finals...

Missed my squad's chalet which started yesterday and ends tomorrow... Didn't really feel right...

Irene won't be around tomorrow... Cos she took leave... Feeling like MIAing tomorrow... Got a strain on my neck from staring at the monitor and a sore on my ankle when I accidently kicked my bro's stuff lying on the floor... Sigh...

It's definately a bad day.... Both today and tomorrow...