Thursday, December 02, 2004

Singapore Idol mania...

Finally the whole hassle is over and done with... From the moment I picked up the form (june) till December 1st... It's already a month... Finally the first ever Singapore Idol is born... Taufik!!!

Thank God I hadn't join this competition... I would have made a fool of myself like in Herstory idol... Saw the fat and ugly pix of me... It was a big mistake... I was lucky to get into the finals...

Missed my squad's chalet which started yesterday and ends tomorrow... Didn't really feel right...

Irene won't be around tomorrow... Cos she took leave... Feeling like MIAing tomorrow... Got a strain on my neck from staring at the monitor and a sore on my ankle when I accidently kicked my bro's stuff lying on the floor... Sigh...

It's definately a bad day.... Both today and tomorrow...


Blogger Jennifer said...

Yo! Must have confidence mah. scarly if u join, I see u leh. :P U're talented gal. hahaha. Today thurs liao. The weekends coming! Cheer up!

December 2, 2004 at 11:54:00 PM GMT+8  

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