Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Teaching an old dog new tricks...

I learnt something new today...

I had a lesson on remembering birthdays, especially birthdays of your so called loved ones, or best friends...
I have 2 friends since dec 1997, who are best friends with each other for say 8 years.
This year, L did not wished Y happy birthday, and yet when L's own birthday came...
She made it a point to tell the whole world in case people forgot about it...
Y wasn't expecting presents, or company cause she knows we're all busy...
She just needs a simple sms, even a belated one will do, but L did not...

Sometimes, we get carried away in our own pursuit of life that we neglect everything else... L is someone who gets preoccupied with people who are going her way, that she forgets everyone else till she needs company... Sadly, friendship is about supporting each other along this road of life... People who need people the most cling on to their most precious friends...

Friendship is on my top most piority on my list just above my family, and people tell me things like I shouldn't do that... It's true that people are always changing, you can't be friends forever thing... Friends will only hurt you, forsake you... As if I have never been hurt by friends before... I too had been betrayed and framed by friends countless times... But I never gave up on them...

I had many friends along my road of life, who I really treasure... But some how or another, they eventually drift away from me... Perhaps it's my life long calling to be a hermit... Sitting in front of this computer... Typing away on the memoirs of my life... Sigh...

Still I wanna insist that everyone needs a friend, even those who betrayed you, those who backstabbed you... Every single soul on this planet calls out to a friend... I'm glad I've got Joy, XL, Lynn and Jasz by my side these moody days... Silver has been smsing me too, encouraging me in life... Thanks guys!!! Really don't know what I am without you... :)


Blogger Jennifer said...

^5! Friendship rulez!

November 23, 2004 at 8:29:00 PM GMT+8  

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