Sunday, November 14, 2004

Back at home...

Here I am... Sitting in the comfort of my home typing this blog...

Nothing much has changed really... I'm back in Johnson's team, working on a vancouver project during night shift... Got promoted... Yeah! But still the same old boring life.

I need to find a part time badly... Can't even support myself... It's a good point cause that's the major thing holding me back from going out to find myself a girlfriend... It's a good thing to be single anyway... I think...

Relationship between me and my brother is still sour... Tried to talk to him nicely, but every single thing he says to me, carrys a hint of sacasism... If that's the way to spell it...

Went to the gym with my mum the on Deepavali... Almost forgot how old she is already... Think the only thing I want is good health for my parents...

Oh... I took part in a singing competition by Herstory recently... Got into the finals (Surprise!!!) but got final 3 positions (sad...) Anyway, I took a look at the pix... Seems like I'm the ugliest... Bluexin and Wendy captain came to support me!!! Together with Lorine and her gf... Thanks for coming to support me when I'm so demoralised... love you guys!!!


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