Monday, December 20, 2004

Gift a money can't buy...

Had the a wonderful surprise... On Sunday... Me and XL went Xmas shopping after guitar class... Went around to find Joy's pressie first... Bought all the pressies except for my bro's... dunno what to get for him...

Met up with Joy after getting her gift, so that we could pass it to her 1st hand... Shopped around BJ for my mum's and dad's pressies... After buying all the pressies, my wallet was empty... But wanted to get wrappers... So I suggested to go to "Lao hu li land" *LOL*... I actually got the most pleasent surprise a Seth can ever have... I bumped into SY!!!

My brain actually froze for seconds before the excitement kicked in... I had a crush on her since 3 years ago or something... Sigh... Anyway, decided to ask her to join us for a drink at Breeko... She was saying that it was actually easy to bump into each other rather than a planned outing...
I had been dying to see her since I dunno how long ago...

Much as I know I will never end up with her... I still wanna see her and know that she's doing fine... Share her job problems... Her friendship problems... Her family problems... Sigh... She my not be pretty, tall, or sexy... She'll always be my ideal... my dream... my angel... Noone will believe this anyway... *Haiz* She juz doesn't seem like the kind I'll fall in love with...

Really wanna thank God for this chance encounter... Thanks for the gift that money can never buy... Thanks to Joy and XL who accompanied me... :)


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