Friday, December 03, 2004

Singing is my passion... It's my life...

I just love singing... Can't stop singing... Think I'm always irritating people with my singing...

Could recall the time when I was in secondary school... some say I can't sing... Some are always asking me to sing... I was like a radio to some... Dedicating songs that they wanna hear... Songa that were popular back then...

I have stage fright... Could remember my first stage appearence, which was back in Secondary school... I was in Sec 3, singing in a competition with my buddy... We sang 25 minutes by MLTR and Hero by Mariah Carey I think... It was such a flop...

My next appearence was in Herstory Idol... It was a really good experience... But I've come to realise that appearence counts alot in a singing career...

I had always wanted to be a rock star... But people look at me and say I'm a Hiphop wanna be... It's really saddening... I always wanted to be part of a band like Beyond or Mayday...

I saw Judith on that Nancy show on Channel U... She's one of the contestant from Herstory Idol... Looking at her makes me wonder if I really should go for the next competition... Sigh...

Happy Birthday Vivien mei... All the best in whatever you wish to do... :)


Blogger Jennifer said...

no harm trying! Many pop stars dun look good either like zhou hua jian and various DJ from abroad. Yet they are famous world wide. No harm trying, gal. Go for what u like. :P

December 4, 2004 at 12:37:00 AM GMT+8  

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