Thursday, April 22, 2004

Just received news...

My admin CPL has done it again...

Told me tomorrow is my last day at Tuas, and that on Monday I have to go on leave then report to Jurong on Tuesday office hours till my last day (30th).

Don't I get to claim my PHs?


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Nicoll Highway...

Me, KK and Ivy were at Funan Centre at around 3 plus when it happened... We felt 3 earth tremors before the fire engine and then we felt the last tremor.

We met up with Joy afterwards at City Hall so that she and KK can go cut hair. Cutting Edge of course, and my favourite stylist Sally cut for KK. Hee Hee...

Afterwards we went to Marina Square to have dinner, after a long while we decided on Long John, but it ended up the area was cut off from their water supply... So we headed to Suntec...

Walked around the fountain to look for food when we entered the food court. Everyone were like staring at the tv monitors showing channel news asia... Being the curious me, we sat down to watch tv and realised that Nicoll Highway, well part of it had collasped... How exciting... First time something interesting has happened in Singapore the little dot in this mighty world. *LOL*

After some unhappy incidents the trip ended early and we headed seperate ways in pairs... as usual.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wah... So fishy...

Got 2 non busy points in a row... took the time to rest... But this is like the sky before the storm... Too calm...

Think the storm will be tomorrow... Heh heh...

1 down, 7 more to go...

Wah... So horigible...

Had a major blackout for almost 45 minutes... A few blocks in the Bukit Batok East vicinity suffered in the dark... It was quite funny in a way...

The moment it hit me and Ivy, we were stunned for nearly a whole minute trying to figure out what happened. When we came to our senses, Ivy started to shout for her mum and dad to fix the fuse box... We were still thinking that it was like a normal short circuit in the flat... She woke her parents while I sat in the dark trying to find out where I am.

Ivy went to open the door to check if it was only us, but we found the whole block in darkness with a few other blocks diagonally from us. Saw a few neighbours going out and walking around the block. I stood at the front door looking at how other people are coping when I saw a handphone light waving around in the darkness coming from the next block. I waved back in fun and "it" waved back again. *LOL*

Gave KK a distress call looking for a solution, and she gave me a number to call. The first few times I tried calling, the number was busy. When I finally got through, they put me on hold for nearly 8 to 9 minutes. Then a very extremely super rude person told me that this was not under her area of concern that they already know about it. Gave me a phone number to call, but asked me not to call, because the number is already very busy. So pissed...

It's the first time I ever experienced such a thing was fun, hot and stuffy. But I never want to experience it again. (-_-)

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

So fastruated...

Went to Joy's place to play X-box but in the end, I ended up sleeping in her room snoring like thunder as I was so tired. First time in checkpoint history we had to work at X-ray till 2 am. Haiz... short break kenna cancel and all... Haiz... I stood all the way at xray for 6 whole solid hours. Now my legs are still aching. Later on 2nd half still kenna a point where I cannot sit. Leg cramp ah...

Evening time went to BJ to nuah... Played 3 player world combat, rock fever... Bought a holy book... LOL. We went to the pasar malam nearby and I ate my ramly burger! yeah... Actually only ordered a beef original but the guy gave me an egg... then we were so bored... really no where to go then I suggested go CE... heh heh...

Meet Alvin and Joe there on their way to Plasma. the 3 of us sat at CE played daidee and Uno. watch soccer... Chelsea lost... Ha ha... a certain Chelsea fan was unhappy... few days ago... thuis liverpool fan also not happy... hahaha...

Monday, April 12, 2004

Wah... kenna mark liao...

my last few days... and I feel like I kenna tekan... always kenna the busy points. Just speak up a bit become like I complain... as if I was at fault and only me at fault totally as well... haiz...

Let me warn you... a government job may not be as well as you think it is. It is only a iron rice bowl if you can survive in the lousy environment and most of them do that by polishing boots. Haiz...

Good things come to you and people want you to share. bad things come only all run away. no one wants to fight for you, or stand up for you. If you don't want to hold your boss's ass, noone will even bother about you. When you work in an environment where you belong to the minority type, people leave you out from things, best of all, the shun me due to my sexuailty. It's so unfair.

Life never felt fair at all. Things never went well for me in the job. I hate everything that surrounds me. I hate going there for work. I hate working in my current job. I hate my managment, hate my admin stuff, hate people controlling my life, my actions, my movements, thinking like they are the best thing in the world that 1 can have. I hate egoistic people.

I hate I hate I hate and I HATE!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Wah... Sweep wood again...

My aunt said something which made me feel like putting it down here. She said,"No need to ask why, no questions needed to be asked. Qing ming will always be on the 5th of April and you can pray within the 10 days before to 10 days after."

Went to sweep wood at Lim chu kang again. this year, we are not the only ones in big buses. there were like a couple of buses (school or tour bus size) in the cemetary. As usual, I didn't enjoy these family gatherings but unlike last year, with something interesting like our bus getting jammed in the drain. Nothing exciting took place.

Wow, my cousin is already in NYJC 1st year. make me feel so old. My aunt was always showing off about how clever her son was. So I asked if he was in a thriple science and he told me he was in arts. anyway, that gave me a shock. Don't ask me why. and he was telling me about how big a transition it is from a pure boys school to a mixed school. Reminded me of the time I went to poly. hahaha... by the way, I'm a ex-crescentian, grad 1997.

Got to rush to work later... haiz.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Wah... Sejop...

So tired... Went to 5 - 10 yesterday after buying the headphones. and as usual... we had to wait very long to get our songs. We had 9-10 people but only 3 songs. not like we only drink 1 drink per person. there were like at least 4 jugs.haiz... That's why we wanted to go Plasma at first. but plasma was full... I suggested we go L-cohol next time.

Then just now do morning shift... from departure car go arrival car. No wonder so many people short life... died from agitation and agony... Really hate to work there.

Friday, April 09, 2004

New Headphones...

Bought a new pair of headphones from Audio Technica... cost me 50 bucks. and they are white.

goes along well with my HP... hahaha... too bad I suck wearing white...

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Counting down...

Today is the 7th of April. 23 more days to 30th April. 11 more Working days including tonight. that's all... :)

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Wow... so slack...

So long nia update liao....

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Today I'm free...

It's the freedom day today... It's my liberation, it's my independence. But the actual thing still has to be 30 days away. How I want this month to pass quickly.

Never join a job where you will regret. Never join a job where they will dicriminate against you. Never...