Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Nicoll Highway...

Me, KK and Ivy were at Funan Centre at around 3 plus when it happened... We felt 3 earth tremors before the fire engine and then we felt the last tremor.

We met up with Joy afterwards at City Hall so that she and KK can go cut hair. Cutting Edge of course, and my favourite stylist Sally cut for KK. Hee Hee...

Afterwards we went to Marina Square to have dinner, after a long while we decided on Long John, but it ended up the area was cut off from their water supply... So we headed to Suntec...

Walked around the fountain to look for food when we entered the food court. Everyone were like staring at the tv monitors showing channel news asia... Being the curious me, we sat down to watch tv and realised that Nicoll Highway, well part of it had collasped... How exciting... First time something interesting has happened in Singapore the little dot in this mighty world. *LOL*

After some unhappy incidents the trip ended early and we headed seperate ways in pairs... as usual.


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