Tuesday, April 13, 2004

So fastruated...

Went to Joy's place to play X-box but in the end, I ended up sleeping in her room snoring like thunder as I was so tired. First time in checkpoint history we had to work at X-ray till 2 am. Haiz... short break kenna cancel and all... Haiz... I stood all the way at xray for 6 whole solid hours. Now my legs are still aching. Later on 2nd half still kenna a point where I cannot sit. Leg cramp ah...

Evening time went to BJ to nuah... Played 3 player world combat, rock fever... Bought a holy book... LOL. We went to the pasar malam nearby and I ate my ramly burger! yeah... Actually only ordered a beef original but the guy gave me an egg... then we were so bored... really no where to go then I suggested go CE... heh heh...

Meet Alvin and Joe there on their way to Plasma. the 3 of us sat at CE played daidee and Uno. watch soccer... Chelsea lost... Ha ha... a certain Chelsea fan was unhappy... few days ago... thuis liverpool fan also not happy... hahaha...


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