Friday, November 28, 2003

So poofed...

I'm so tired after 3 continous days of 12 hour shifts... wonder how those orang lama could go on for 4 days... 2 morning and 2 nights... But they sure get alot of money during those days... Maybe money is the motivating force...

Thursday, November 27, 2003

I got 1 hole in my pocket...

Wanna go out badly... But I'm so broke... I wanna catch the "Hidden Track" movie... Jay Zhou rules!

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Hot or Not...

Wow... Never knew that Idonesian Chinese girls could look so good.

To those single butches, no harm trying Indonesian gals... Some of them are really hot... *LOL*

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Chaos runs in the airs...

It was like utter chaos when I was performing OT today... Everyone was like telling jokes over the radio waves... It was the first time we were all working without the giant stress that moustache tends to pile on us. He has taken leave... Finally... We were so worried that he would never take his leave. Heard he will be back tomorrow from JB... Hiaks... I had lotsa fun today.

Made a giant mistake riding on the bicycle today... I had 2 minor accidents... the first one when I crashed against the railing, and the second when I almost crashed into this railing. The second one was horrible cause it took place in front of 2 strangers. Was about to approach them when I accidently jammed my brakes and my butt slipped to land onto the frame between my legs... That hurt big time. I walked funnily towards the 2, with this huge pain from me bottom... Ouch!!!

Monday, November 24, 2003


I've been such a slob... Been too lazy to update my blog... Have to do OT tomorrow morning as its the Malay's turn to have a break... I'm such a bum... Hate to drag my lousy butt out of bed in the morning... But I have to do it... Wanna try to take my leave during the Xmas season... Haiz...

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Family photo...

Had my family picture taken today... It's for my brother's graduation like 5 months ago... But I guess, it's a long overdue picture already. Think we hadn't have a proper family pic for a while. Think that made my parents really happy... And I'm glad.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Cafe yet again...

Went down to the cafe before KK and Joy, then we saw Ke and Simon in a bad mood... Was wondering what had happened, then later on when Joy and KK arrived, we had a chat with them.

It was the owner of that shop (don't know what term to use for it) next door. They were bullied again by this moronic no sense of righteousness owners... Only know how to take advantage of others... Taking other people's shop space, when he did not pay for it. Wish there was some way to get back at him...

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Puppy Power!!!

Went to Ivy's aunt place to see the puppy chihuahua... It's so cute and adorable... Its eyes were still closed, its body was still soft, its paws were so small and cute and kind of like sticking around in the air. He had this cute little tounge that kept sticking out and his cute little yawn... He's so loveable... Then I watched as he peed over himself... Wish I could have him... Heh Heh Heh...

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

It's Mickey's birthday...

Yup... Heard that on the radio, although I forgot how old he is... By the way... He's really really really very old... LOL

Monday, November 17, 2003

What a day...

Another inservice... This time at Jurong... What a waste of my free time.

Almost got into trouble today. I left my pb on the outside when I was chatting with Ivy on the hp. I totally forgot about it and left it on the table at the void deck.

While I was listening to my supervisor tell his lame cock and bull stories, I remembered that I had left something behind. Found an excuse to get out class and ran back to get it.

There were alot of blangadeshis, and I got worried... What if they got hold of it? I would have to make a report and all, and get totally into this really humongous trouble.

As I neared the place, 4 obasans were occupying that table already. Thoughts flowed my mind... What if it was thrown away? What if some miserable person took it? I was really nervous... But as I approached the table, I noticed something lying on the middle of the table... it was a small book... my pb...

I thanked the aunties immediately, thanked them many many times, and ran back. Thank god those aunties kept it there for me.

Thank God.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

guitar rulez...

went with Ivy and her parents to her aunt's workplace for dim sum...

then we met up with Annie at taka... We sat down at Wisma's coffee club xpress and chatted about this psychopathic guy who thinks he is Annie's bf, and was like trying to control and take over her life.

Went over to Cafe again... Finally got a good catch on strumming. I was using my elbow to strum and all... Then through proper insrtuctions and guidance from my all capable teacher... I can strum! Yeah!

Still got to improve my changing of the chords... memorised a few chords by heart... hope I get better soon.

Saturday, November 15, 2003

The good life...

Didn't get my most hated point A22 recently... I'm so happy... BUt I kenna M1 for quite a few times already... But as long as I don't get A22, I'm okay with things...

Friday, November 14, 2003

Goodbye my friend

my kaki is being taken out from the team... I'm so sad...

My team leader told me he was not pleased with my kaki's actions today... figured it has be beacause of the fact that he reported sick. anyway, heard from my leader that the decision has been finalised and that tomorrow will be my kaki's last day in our team... so sad... I tried to put in some good words, but they were of no use...

called my kaki... he told me that Ng already told him of the news... he said that he has a flu, and I sympathised with him... but later on he told me he was going out... I did doubt him alittle... :P

got to remind myself not to trust people too much... especially my leader... I'm so worried I might get back stabbed by people who are the closest to me...

MM... -= To my good friend =-

Went down to MM... Today, me and Alvin officially became good friends...

I swear I will try to find the one who did that to Alvin...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Inservice sucks...

haiz... wasted my off day doing discussions... I didn't benefit form it at all. But good thing was that we did not have to play those captain ball games like last time...

Got there late, like last month... and kenna scolding again... I already took a cab there, but there was this bloody jam!

Saw that butch again, but this time she was not sitting together with the usual girl... wonder if they broke up or something.

no free food because the mulisms are fasting. so sad...

Monday, November 10, 2003

Shift 1 woes...

Was so tired from watching soccer... Didn't get enough sleep...

01 live match tonight... Everton against Blackburn...

The people at my work place simply hate me, because I couldnt make it for OT yesterday, but it's not like I promised to do , or was obliged to do OT. They told me to have a good weekend... Yah right!

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Man U... Liverpool... 2-1... Haiz...

Went to me fav place... Cafe Epicure and had some cool tips for guitar. was wonderful...

Till.... ... Liverpool lost... Haiz... Good thing I didn't bet on them tonight.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

I got me massage today again...

Haha... Ivy's exam and me the model again...

That naked experience is simply unforgettable... and fun... *LOL*

Bought a few stuff to make bead stuff... A bead book, a cocktail book and a lameo magic book...

Had me favourite seafood for dinner... Sting ray, Clams, Oil Vegetables, Sotong and this weird tasting otah...

Went to Holland V to see puppies... they were so adorable! Wish I can get 1 one day...

P.S. To Joy... There were really cute kittens too. :)

Cafe Epicure.... I was there again... LOL

Went to get a haircut with Joy at the cutting edge at Marina Square. This Sally, she was really skilled... think I may just go back to her for a cut... after all it was a good deal for 10 bucks.

Went to Brekz for dinner, me, Ivy, Joy and KK had more than we could.... Almost busted our bellies... LOL

after that... we went to our fav place... Cafe Epicure... Think we'll be there really often... :P

Friday, November 07, 2003

What a turnoff....

Didn't manage to go to JB in the end... Sucks totally....

My mum forgot about handing me my passport...


Later on went over to Cafe Epicure... The lady boss was friendly. We decided to go there more often...

KK's mum was hilarious... We laughed the night away... Me, Ivy, Joy, KK and her mum...

Thursday, November 06, 2003

JB here I come...

I'll be going over to JB with KK and her mum later... *gosh*

gonna pick up some clothes, comics and cds over there.

Was gonna go with Joy as well, but her mum didn't approve and wanted to tag along, so she changed her mind.

I could tell she was really upset about it, wish there was some way I could help. *shucks*

Hopefully she can come with us the next time.

Sorrowful Nite...

Was singing at 5-10 just a moment ago, with KK, Joy and Ashley... had a few glasses of beer and picked out a few songs for us to sing.

The place was really empty, unlike the times when I used to go there ages ago. Only 2 other tables were occupied. 1 of which is a group of people who were friends to the staff.

Anywayz, we still had to wait for ages for our songs... geez... Maybe due to the fact that there were few people they wanted to play songs in between or something...

The place was no longer the friendly grounds I used to love. They had vibrant friendly people, mostly males, but they were still very polite to us and all. Once we got caught in the rain going over, the staff even offered to get us a towel or something to wipe dry.

Haiz... The good old days are certainly gone.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

The End...

Finally... finished my Grandia II... The ending was like a little lame, but was smooth sailing thanks to my maxed up powers and magic. Going to JB tomorrow to pick up some new stuff...

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Rest!!!! I need rest...

I'm so poofed... Finally I get to rest during this period. Took 2 days of leave.

Initially thought Ivy's exam was on the 6, so I thought just take 2 days off, turned out it was on the 8, my off day.

It's okay, cause I wanted a break anyway.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Aircon Woes...

The aircon in Ivy's room is totally down... Haiz... Both of us haven't been getting a good rest in ages... Me... I'm starting to look a little like a panda...

Sunday, November 02, 2003


I'm obsessed with my GBA. The color, the graphics, it's all so cool. I promise to take real good care of it...

Tatics orge rulez....

Saturday, November 01, 2003

cute thingy :P

S.H.E webby... here
Cute takopachi game...

I wonder...

if I expire one day.... Will people cry? Or will they celebrate?

Will there be people who would shed a single tear for me?

Will I be forgotten?

Lessons in life...

I've been reflecting about life... and how I feel...

Well, for one thing... We all know that lives all end in death. We all pass away some day, expire, except that we don't come with our expiry date printed on us like cans do. I stopped to think... Is that all that life is about? Living till the day we die? I certainly hope not.

The biggest differences in lives will be what comes between, the chapters of life between birth till death and that is all that matters. How you spend your life away.The things you do in your daily lives.

Even a small move to show an act of consideration of thoughtfulness to someone else could make a whole lot of difference... Well... Maybe not for yourself... But for someone else.

A meaningful life will inspire and encourage others in one or many ways, while a wasted life only bears shame on their name. Often the difference in paths are only seperated by a thin fine line. People who are confused or uncertain often go astray, crossing the line without realising it while some others made it.

Are you an earth shaker? A mountain mover? Someone whose stories will break mountains and melt giant ice glaciers?

Or are you someone who's left on the shelf, unnoticed... Remembered but referred to dirty rotten things people would love to hate?

Funeral are so saddening...

Just returned from my cousin's funeral... He's only in his late 20s, has a good looking gf, good family and a good Uni education and all... But he got taken away. Hit by cancer... It's all so sad... Haiz... Didn't know that he was a christian till today...

God bless his soul, as he moves into the holy dwelling of God in His wide open arms. Amen.