Saturday, November 01, 2003

Lessons in life...

I've been reflecting about life... and how I feel...

Well, for one thing... We all know that lives all end in death. We all pass away some day, expire, except that we don't come with our expiry date printed on us like cans do. I stopped to think... Is that all that life is about? Living till the day we die? I certainly hope not.

The biggest differences in lives will be what comes between, the chapters of life between birth till death and that is all that matters. How you spend your life away.The things you do in your daily lives.

Even a small move to show an act of consideration of thoughtfulness to someone else could make a whole lot of difference... Well... Maybe not for yourself... But for someone else.

A meaningful life will inspire and encourage others in one or many ways, while a wasted life only bears shame on their name. Often the difference in paths are only seperated by a thin fine line. People who are confused or uncertain often go astray, crossing the line without realising it while some others made it.

Are you an earth shaker? A mountain mover? Someone whose stories will break mountains and melt giant ice glaciers?

Or are you someone who's left on the shelf, unnoticed... Remembered but referred to dirty rotten things people would love to hate?


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