Saturday, February 05, 2005

Shaggalicious Baybee...

It has been a totally jam packed with shaggnous week... *LOL*

Monday: Work as usual... Moved my stuff home... And believe me... It was alot of stuff... Thank God Seah was there to help me... It's XL's 3rd time helping me to move, but this time it's back home... It's back to life without a proper bed, and floor sleeping... Sigh... My dad gave up his office area for me to sleep at... Thank God for the invention of fans, cos it's burning in there...

Tuesday-Thursday: It's been OT to 11.45-12+... Sigh... How much OT can I tahan? Sigh...

Friday: Finally 1 day of rest... Wouldn't miss the chance to unwind, have a drink or two... Meet up with friends... Play pool... Long time nia play liao... Rusty like hell... (-_-") Made use of the only day I have to buy new year clothes, but only buy jeans...

Saturday: Woke up with a heavy head, a stuffed nose, a slight fever, and a horrible voice... Damn I'm sick... Sigh... Was supposed to do full day OT, but really cannot make it... Feel so sick... Haiz... Still got to practice my guitar... Got stage session tomorrow... Still got to do housework... Haiz... Want to go mad liao...


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