Thursday, January 20, 2005

The filthy boy who sleeps on the stairs...

Once upon a time... Not too long ago... In fact only a few days ago... There was a boy (EST. 18-20 years old, can't tell... Cause never saw his full face before)... Who slept on the staircase landing of the flat where I stay...

He seemed to be wearing the same set of clothes everyday... Had a stench coming from him... And was always surrounded by puddles of water... He did seem quite pitiful... Noone knows where he came from... Why he sleeps on the stairs... And what he does...

He lies in the middle of a really small platform between the floors... And he never seemed bothered by people making comments... Or even the movement of the people trying to get pass him... He never spoke... Never looked at people...

He wasn't so bad... Except for the major nuisance he causes... What kind of nuisance??? Waste nuisance of course... What's waste nuisance??? Urine of course... Tracing the puddles of water around the landing... Around him... There were visible traces of the origin of the water... Evidences were clear aound his pants... Yes... He peed while lying on that bloody stair landing I have to pass everyday...

He didn't seem to mind waddling in his own waste... Lying in them... He never moved... His body distinctly emitted stench... He didn't want people to forget his presence maybe... Cause he never fails to leave his lingering stench around the place...

So where's the social department??? No idea... Or his family??? No idea... What will happen to him??? No idea... He did seem pretty complacent with his present lifestyle... But I hadn't a chance to see him today... Hopefully he's gone home or something...


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