Sunday, February 13, 2005

Season's grieving everyone...

Pardon the down spirits, but I never really liked CNY (Chinese New Year), especially the visiting... Hate acting like a PR... Okay... Sethland folks... Here's the week's highlights...

Monday 7th February
More work and more work... *Woe* Was supposed to meet up with the gang on New year's eve... But Lynn can't make it on new year's eve... So we had to drag ourselves unwillingly to meet up straight after work.

Joy was working, XL had to go home and help out first and Lynn and Jasz were pahtohing... So Me, myself and I went for dinner alone and walked around alone... Went to China town to get meself a new binder, then went for dinner at Han's Marina Square...

Bought myself me favorite steak and sat down alone... Was watching this les couple nearby and this old bung working there... After stuffing my face, went for a smoke just outside the City Link...

After a few puffs... That familiar fireworks sounds were in the air... Found a clearing to watch the short performance, before moving off again... Found a spot to settle down for more smokes to pass time by... Watch the River angbao from a distance...

At 8 plus, I was still alone (I finish work at 1730)... Moved my encampment to the riverside... Smoked some more... Thought a lot... Lynn Called me up some where 8:11 to say that they're on the way... Called XL at 9 plus to ask what time she's coming down... Said she's rushing down...

Got bored sitting down... Went around the River angbao... The size of the place shrunk by nearly 2 thirds... So tiny... Finished walking around in 10 minutes...
Bumped into my old time buddy Roy with her gf and cousin... Time then was already 9:45... Lynn wasn't there yet... Roy got annoyed that I had been waiting for so long, asked me to join them... But I already walked around...

Bought 2 cheese dogs each for myself and XL... Cheap and good dogs going at a buck each... Bought the popper gun with 54 'bullets' at 10 bucks... XL arrived at 10+... Followed by Joy... Then Lynn and Jasz around 11...

Tuesday 8th February
Half day of work... Went to Simlim to get meself a new CPU... Went around to pick my parts... Then carried everything home by meself... (-_-")

Fixed up the thing... Put in partitions... Put up my OS... Bingo... 1 new system... Regreted not getting the KB + Mouse, cos when I only realized when I was setting up that my KB + mouse wasn't working... Together with me bloody monitor...

Met up with Ah girl and XL at river angbao after reunion dinner with me parents... Watched the usual fireworks with an usual highlight cum best part of the show... Enjoyed watching the grass patch catching fire halfway through the fireworks... By the time the whole thing ended, the fire was starting to rage... *LOL* Watched 01 fire engine + 01 boat in action to put out the fire...

Walked around tiny river angbao again... Sat on the Washing machine, the expensive no seat belt ride, the funny looking octopus ride and the overly priced crazy surf... 1 gal got off halfway crazy surf, looking like she's gonna barf...

9th February Wednesday
Went to the usual 2 places to collect angbao... Me grandma looked fresher, but my mum said she can only move her left hand... Then went to Annie's grandma's place... Annie's grandma seems to be in a bad condition... Her memory has worsen...

Since Irene and Desomnd was around, we decided to pop over to Irene's place (They all stay near by)... Was settling down to dindin when Annie's juvenile 40+ year old bf called us and blessed us with his vulgar languages saying that we never asked him along... He called Desmond a sissy... Darn... Went home early...

10th February Thursday
Went to my mother's 2 brothers' houses... Sat through mahjong sessions with the sound level of a rock concert... Got the usual shit of our tv is too loud, when we can't even hear the tv... Went home early again, but went out again... Met up with Lynn, Jasz and XL for UK fun fair at woodlands... Played 3 rides at 7.50 per ride... Squashed a packet of brand new fags... Went home with the satisfaction of blue blacks all over me arms...

11th February Friday
Work as usual... with sores over my arms... Felt more sick than usual (Been sick since last Friday)... Went to the doc after half the day when most of my work was finished... Ate medicine... Came home... Sleep... Woke up... Went over to Joy's place for visiting...

Went out for dinner with Thing, Joy and XL at kopitiam... Thing as usual, had lots to share about her traveling trips... Wish I could travel more...

12 February Saturday
XL wanted to come over to my place... She got 2 angbaos from my dad and mum... (-_-")
Lynn and jasz wanted to meet up as well... Spent half the day at home waiting for Jasz... Decided to play mahjong at 10 cents per tai... Won about 4 bucks... But paid 12 bucks to my mum for all their food...

Went to meet Ah girl at Paradiz to play pool... Had drinks and chit chat at kopitiam afterwards... On my way home, asked Ah girl if she ever considered me as a possible stead... She replied me that she's not prepared for another relationship yet... Reminded me of SY who said to me earlier on that she is not thinking of having a relationship... Sigh...

Love is such a silly and foolish thing... Wise men say only fools rush in... *Duh* (-_-")

13 February Sunday
Woke up with my phone dead... 3 sms came in with the times 4+ and 7+ in the morning from Ah girl... Didn't reply her cause of ultra mood swing... Then me made the silly girl worry... She didn't sleep the whole night... Sigh...

Me feel so guilty... Ah girl is a very nice girl... But both of us still thinking of someone else... Sigh... What to do??? Think me shouldn't agree to jio her... She deserves someone better than me ba... Haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. Saw your site as listed in Season's grieving everyone... and also found it in a page about Korean War veterans at Do you ever trade links?

November 8, 2005 at 4:26:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there Seth I was out browsing pages on and found your site listed in someones profile. Not sure how it got me here. Was looking up info on high school reunion. Oh well, I'll check back later. Need to get back to what I was working on. Dave.

November 8, 2005 at 4:47:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. Saw your site as listed in this post and also found it in a page about high school alumni at Do you ever trade links?

November 8, 2005 at 5:26:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Seth saw a page at that talked about class friends that sent me here. Not sure if you traded links or not? So how long have you been running your own site? ttyl Dave

November 8, 2005 at 5:32:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw your site in a page about a Search for People I knew at I'll check your site out and see if you have any new info sometime. Dave

November 8, 2005 at 6:14:00 PM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Seth, saw a page listed in a friends profile at that talked about graduates and somehow sent me here. How long ago did you set up this site? ttyl

November 9, 2005 at 3:49:00 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Seth, saw a page listed in a friends profile at that talked about high school alumni and somehow sent me here. How long ago did you set up this site? ttyl

November 9, 2005 at 4:37:00 AM GMT+8  

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