Sunday, February 29, 2004

Overtime today...

Just finished overtime with team B. Thank GOD those people were kind upon me and gave me strategic points to work at. I was given the giant opportunity to avoid the crowds.

Took advantage of the easy and quiet times to update a list of my comics. Counted like about 30 sets of comics, with less than 10 complete sets.

Went home later on to find that I had left my wallet in the locker stupidly and wasn't able to get back the wallet by tonight. Anyway, I had to trouble Ivy to come down to pay for my cab fare. That stupid driver took the long way, which I don't know if it was intentional. Here is the cab number and the driver's name: - SHA1080L Quah Teck Hin. Beware of him okay? PLUS... He is like bloody rude.

Ordered KFC... Was hungry at first... NOw got so mush left overs... too bad... Ivy has her friend Wier at her place, then I also cannot sleep yet. If only I don't have to work tomorrow morning, Haiz...

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Funny guy...

I had to assist arrival car... And it was like so packed with all the cars coming in and the bikes coming in for work and all... Had to attend to a LTA case and had yet another funny encounter at this boring place.

This guy was having problems with his cashcard thingy and he parked his car to the side so that he could have the card checked. He clased his door and all and had his card done... Then he realised that he had locked his car keys in...

I had to relay the information of his 2 only available choices of whether he wanted to tow his car(expensive) or to break his window(cheaper but still expensive). He of course made the choice of breaking the window.

The poor guy went around looking for tools and attempting to borrow tools from the other people. I took pity on him, made another call and managed to get him a hammer. With a heavy heart he broke his own window.

I could feel his heart break and his eyes went red. Haiz...

If only there was like a better alternative...

Friday, February 27, 2004


ONly thing on my mind is that I have to perform like OT on Sunday... Then continously I have 3 more off days to burn... inservice at woodlands on the 4th and then after that inservice at my division on the 8th and then after that probably have to do the ICA assignment and go to work at about 4 plus in the morning on the 12th... Haiz... What to do?

Still got like 2 months more to go.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Tiring lah...

Kenna a good first point, but got funny funny visitors... Then after that kenna the worst place ever...

Have to stand for like 6 and a half hours then the bloody screen so blur due to refraction... I had to strain my small eyes to see whatever is on the screen. That's what you get when you work for people who will only think of the company's interest and not the workers as well...

No wonder almost half the people in my team are asking for a transfer or asking to quit the job. Haiz!

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

So nua...

Spent the whole day at home. Played my Need For Speed. So far ranking #10 in the charts... Still got long way to go to complete the 100 over rounds...

1st time I had to replay drag so many times due to traffic... So suay... Haiz...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


I get placed in 2 non busy points in a row? Think that only spells some kind of trouble.

It's what they call the peace before the storm I guess...

Monday, February 23, 2004

Hate to drag myself to work...

I think I have totally forsaken my hopes in this line. Cause no matter what my corporal said to me, I still insisted on leaving.

I believe the reason as to why I could be so firm is that I have 100% faith in CE. And hopefully Simon and Ke can keep to their promise about the study part. Cause I have been itching to go back to study... matter of fact... =P

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Sunday afternoon blues...

Had to stand in the hordes of people coming back from MY. There were simply so many buses. Mostly tour groups.

Itching to go over there myself. My team proposed to have dinner just across. Hoping I have the chance to buy some PS2 games, but don't think so.

Plus the fact that the jerk going to be there turns me totally off the idea. Besides everyone will probably be busy amonst themselves and probably will forget the fact of my existence in the place anyway. It's a total bore to be there.

But still... It's going to be a time of bonding and whoever's not going to be there will be alienated and all.

Anyway... I seem to have misplaced my passport. Maybe I won't go...

Saturday, February 21, 2004

First trip to Mustafa Centre...

LOL... Went to mustafa after eating at me favourite prata place early in the morning today.

was shocked to see the interior, as it was totally unorganised and messy, but BIG!

Really lived up to its name of a one stop shopping centre. Bought 2 little bolsters and a pillow together with some toiletries and food stuff...

Think I might just drop by the place again.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Lamer cab driver...

Took a cab today and the guy took the wrong exit when he was trying to show off his mini entertainment kit to me.

He had this mini LCD tv fixed up to play these karaoke discs filled with his hokkien songs.

He had his share of fun by showing off his singing powers as well. Then he had the cheek to charge me for the lousy detour all the while suffering from his "beautiful" voice.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

It's not over.

I hate to see his irksome face. The sight of him and his antics simply makes me puke.

No wonder he doesn't have a gf. He doesn't deserve one anyway.

The way he talks to girls, you'll think that the only thing on his mind is how he can have a chance to f*** that bimbo in my team. Is that really what goes on in minds of men?

It's no wonder I never took a fancy to guys...

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Some people just love to test my patience, but this time the wrong topic has been brought up.

My death nerve had been struck.

The one thing I hate most in the world... To be accused of doing something that I did not do...

I admit the first one was due to my own personal mistake, my carelessness, but that was nothing big. At least I went through the right procedures.

The second one was due to technical fault. Although I know the reason you need me to write the bloody letter is to cover your ass, and me to cover mind as well. It still irks me to think of the fact that I have been manligned.

I have enough of this job. whoever heard of a job that forces you to do OT against your own will anyway?

Unfair world...

Seems like a mistake to let the others know about my plan to leave.

I have been detailed to perform duty at the lousiest places possible. Which means wherever might be busy.

I have been so drained and all. When will I get my break?

This hell hole I work in stinks! I have never hated people as much as I have now.

I used to wonder to myself how San can be such a racist, but my experience now tells me why it can be possible.

It actually feels like I am working in a foreign land where no one understands my language.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Yeah... I should have known that long ago...


What kind of geek are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Shucks... I am such a lazy bugger...

Been too lazy to update me bloggy... That's the thing about not having your own com...
Don't think my bro is willing to keep to his promise to pass me the laptop... He can't bear enough to part with it...

Been obsessed with my fushigi yuugi... Just finished the first part and watching the second part. Hopefully it's as good as I hope it will be.

Wonder when I can get a new laptop. Hard tried for hire purchase using my CISCO pay slip at courts, but kenna rejected. Then with the pay Simon will be offering me and KK, things will be even harder.

Got to consider loads of new things, including if I can afford to pay the rent at KK's place, or should I get a room outside. If only I'm rich or something. If only I could strike toto and make it big... If only...!!!

I'll give you fushigi yuugi fans out there some links to go to... *Peace*

Fushigi yuugi

  • My #1 result for the selector, Fushigi Yuugi Character Test!, is Miaka