Saturday, February 28, 2004

Funny guy...

I had to assist arrival car... And it was like so packed with all the cars coming in and the bikes coming in for work and all... Had to attend to a LTA case and had yet another funny encounter at this boring place.

This guy was having problems with his cashcard thingy and he parked his car to the side so that he could have the card checked. He clased his door and all and had his card done... Then he realised that he had locked his car keys in...

I had to relay the information of his 2 only available choices of whether he wanted to tow his car(expensive) or to break his window(cheaper but still expensive). He of course made the choice of breaking the window.

The poor guy went around looking for tools and attempting to borrow tools from the other people. I took pity on him, made another call and managed to get him a hammer. With a heavy heart he broke his own window.

I could feel his heart break and his eyes went red. Haiz...

If only there was like a better alternative...


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