Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Shucks... I am such a lazy bugger...

Been too lazy to update me bloggy... That's the thing about not having your own com...
Don't think my bro is willing to keep to his promise to pass me the laptop... He can't bear enough to part with it...

Been obsessed with my fushigi yuugi... Just finished the first part and watching the second part. Hopefully it's as good as I hope it will be.

Wonder when I can get a new laptop. Hard tried for hire purchase using my CISCO pay slip at courts, but kenna rejected. Then with the pay Simon will be offering me and KK, things will be even harder.

Got to consider loads of new things, including if I can afford to pay the rent at KK's place, or should I get a room outside. If only I'm rich or something. If only I could strike toto and make it big... If only...!!!

I'll give you fushigi yuugi fans out there some links to go to... *Peace*


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