Saturday, June 12, 2004

Wine tasting @ Vilage

Had a chance to go for wine tasing with my boss Simon. Wore my long sleeve blue shirt and a jeans.

When I was there, the whole place hints of Marche. We took our seats in the place and was given tasing notes and a wine glass each. The whole idea was like a wine buffet.

It was a wine tasting for dessert wines, and generally, I have to admit that I have not much of a wine knowledge except how to drink it and let it breathe.

After the first few glasses. every wine started to taste the same and I was only half way through the 12 bottles.

There were others like me who had no wine knowledge and were brought along by their bosses, and some who looked like professionals.

The whole event had to end abruptly when I needed to rush back to Cafe to pass the float money to Ke.

It was a good experience, perhaps I could learn to love wine.

Another Friday night...

Another Friday night... another night I have to work with uncle Thim... But at least after a talk from Simon, he did help me out a little. Sigh... Saw Dex and Carrie and BJ I think... They went to Plasma for beer... Michelin returned me the 50 bucks. Haiz... Think Joy have been going over to Epicure to accompany me so much that she got sian of the place already... So sad...

Friday, June 11, 2004

Freaky Thursday...

First freaky thing is when I agreed to borrow Michelin money... 50 bucks without even considering or trying to push it off. Sigh...
Then I got a call from Ivy... After all this while. Can't say I'm not shocked at the content of our conversation, but I'm glad at least shecalled me to confess and at least give me the chance to share her burden... Rather than she keep everything to herself. Hope she learns to widen her mind a little and learn her lesson... Take things easy.
Happy Happy happy... becos I got my hands on my new 2nd hand laptop... LOL!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Can't say I didn't try... Just no luck...

Asked Joy to accompany me to find her at her workplace but she wasn't working due to tooth extraction. Well just too bad... Seems like this always... JJ called Joy to tell her that he was in the area and he picked us unwillingly to Bugis then we went to AIT.
The place was big but you can still see signs of it being MPH previously.
Met Bird at Infomatics then we went to play pool at Peace centre...Then back to work.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Me & KK @ K-Ster Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Have I made a wrond decision?

Saw Deanne and Chris today... They came over to cafe to have a chat. Deanne has been blown up to like thriple size... Then it seems like they are working together in a new company that Deanne and her BF started... weird... NVM. I shall depend on my own hard work to get where I want to go.