Monday, March 15, 2004

what a lazy day...

woke at about 10 plus in the morning... download this digby's doghnut game... real nice... then spent the whole day playing real arcade. got a whole day to relax... but got to work tomorrow... on my off day... how pathetic... haiz...

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Alpha alpha alpha...

Haiz... Never really enjoyed working with those fellows. luckily my boss today is a nice guy...placed me and that bimbo at really boring points. Then I was talking to Dor on the intercom... paying attention all the while, but I missed a message for my point... luckily the vehicle did not tally... thank God!

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Changing me shift.... 1st time... But still is kenna forced one...

Changed my shift tomorrow to morning by "free will"... Have to perform duty with alpha... How sad... Then kenna this OT on the 16 my 2nd off with bravo in the morning... haiz... how pathetic. most of my off day has been burnt... 5th one in a row...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

New today...

Added some pix to my photo album and a new counter

Inservice tomorrow...

Just came back from night shift today... yet another off day being burned... tomorrow... have to attend inserive in the CISCO t-shirt. haiz... hope noone sees me in that tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

New this day...

Added some stuff to my blog... Check it out...

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Knock your socks off...

Something funny had just transpired a few hours ago... Ivy's friend Chris came over together with Wier and her ex. When they were about to leave just now, she discovered that her shoes have been stolen...

We combed the area when Ivy's neighbour told us that one of them saw a man take her shoes to one of the last 3 apartments at the end of the block.

I suggested out of sheer jest that we make a police report... LOL... BUt in the end, we didn't... BUt the whole icident was really funny. If only you could be here to see it. :)

I'm sick today... At least I think I am...

Took mc today... LOL... so tired from overworking... needed this break badly. Still got 52 more days to go before ROD... ha ha ha... poor KK agreed to quit with me... so she has to suffer with me. But at least she has some money to survive... Poor thing... kenna con... LOL

Monday, March 08, 2004


I'm so tired... just finished morning duty today... haiz... almost fell asleep while working... before that was working at CE... tired plus tired... so damn tired... haiz... but what to do?

Saturday, March 06, 2004

My new phone!!!

Bought a new phone.... it's a colour phone with cam... guess what???

I bought a Sony ericsson T630. It's the same pne that Joy is having now...

I'm so excited... Downloaded a undersea theme for the phone but bluetoothed some pix and ringtones to me phone...

Wow! But I'm still not used to the transformation from 5 years of Nokia to Ericsson...

Monday, March 01, 2004


I think I'm suffering from depression... So many times today I had had this thought stuck in my head... going... Stick the gun on your head and pull the trigger... Stick the bloody gun on your fucking head and blow it right off... Thank GOD I do not have the courage to take my own life... Feel absolutely like nobody cares about me at all... and that nobody bothers to care... Haiz...

I used to cut myself with a penknife on my wrist, just for the sake of cutting... but of course my cuts were never deep enough to cause death... If not I won't be alive to be typing this blog here...

Isn't it funny that people always talk about commiting suicide as a form of escape from reality... And that it's only people with real courage who will face their problems right in the bud and nip it off... But it's not easy to take your own life as well of course... Not everyone could throw themselves off a building, or cut a cut on their wrist deep enough to se it bleed... Haiz...

Sadly... I lack the courage to perform both acts... *LOL*... But still performing duty with a gun by your side can be dangerous, especially when you have thoughts of blowing your own head off...

Maybe history may repeat itself... Ha Ha... We can only sit and watch...